Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Wait

“The WAIT”

I waited for you, until I could wait any more

And I cried for long, until my eyes started to sore

Still remember our first date, those moments when eyes first met

That beautiful nature around, and that lake by which we initially sat

Those beautiful journeys which we travelled

And those lovely moments so closely felt

Although not physically but emotionally we were so close

However tough and bumpy the path we chose

I believe in the destiny that is going to bloom like rose

But today I waited at the same old spot

Where unfortunately my eyes couldn’t spot

I waited for you, until I could wait any more

And I cried for long, until my eyes started to sore

Those moments defined us and they truly did blend

Those were the episodes and lifetimes we could spend

We were together although we were far

Felt on the top of the world, connected with that supreme power

A feeling it was, that lasted not so long

And still wondering what went wrong

Looking back to the times we spend

My heart ponds for you, could not take a defeat

It still beats a subtle heartbeat

I waited for you, until I could wait any more

And I cried for long, until my eyes started to sore

All that has gone and all that will come

Has a pleasant surprise for me it seems

And that’s the reason why gods still keeps me in whims

I am happy that I have found you again

My heart would always cherish you for that period of pain

Feel that you were the one for me

It’s the roots, branches and the flowers that completes a tree

Just as both of us as two different individuals when meet make a “WE”

I am happy that I don’t have to wait anymore

And eyes would not have sore, had I seen you before

And here you are who kept me waiting

Was it love or my patience that you wanted to test

Whatever it was… the wait was worth

But dare you make me wait so long….Henceforth.


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