Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Thought To Ponder

Long Time No..See... Thats what my blog was saying to me when I visited today...Here I have the reason for you bloga..
All these days I was actually wondering what would happen when I get all that I ever wanted..Be it the best bank job.. a real friend.. a true love.. and lots many things..(which would be too silly to describe.)
Yeah and finally I did not have to ask anyone for sharing such an experience coz this time god wanted me to experience it myself..
Frankly speaking yes this time ..like everytime he did listen to me not in parts but in whole and gave me all that I ever wanted all at once.. difficult enough to handle...all of them... I thanked him and thanked him truly for being so generous...
But the only thing I wonder now about is....Is this some kinda dream which I am seeing with my eyes open...or is it all real...
One can easily go away with dreams..coz they are temporary and do not last long but when it actually comes to reality my heart starts beating faster...faster and still faster..coz I wonder about the persistence of the reality and the duration for which it would be with me.. Keeps my mind occupied with all such thoughts which although may not matter but have a lot of matter...
Like a simple ordinary human being it starts wondering and fearing about the possession... the privilege and the duration for which it would be with...
Although happy at the initial point, now it is asking a simple question.." How long is it gonna stay?...If it aint gonna stay longer than the time you were actually behind it... what was the whole purpose behind it.. And ya.. the most important aspect of Impermance... Anicha...Anicha..Anicha.. And thats where I stop thinking and accept the world.. the pleasures and the opportunities God has given ,me through this small gifts and taking them as they are without getting attached.. nor detached..."Just as It is''....
And ya.. sorry if it seemed to be bugging.. but that is what happens.. not to you.. or me.. but everyone and anyone who actually achieves this stage.. but he just stops his thinking near the line of fear.. and keeps wondering...which isn't the case here... So do try to think on the above mentioned lines and experience the difference as I did......

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